Wanna Help Us Out?!?

Show Updates

We’re looking for dedicated fans to help the show grow.

You’re probably wondering, “How, guys? What can we possibly do to help?”

It’s simple. Show your support for the show!

We’re looking to (finally) take the show to the next level. Now that we have most of our technical kinks sorted (only took five years) and are putting together some awesome consistent programming again, the shopzone is up, and we’re giving stuff away from there, it’s time to blow up.

That’s where you come in.

If you’re interested in making a salute for the show, that’s great. It shows you care for the show and are willing to tell the world that you are Radio X. But who sees that if they aren’t coming to the website?

If you go to college, or maybe head to some of your local bars, or just hang out with a large group of people, tell them about the show. Invite them to listen, and give them the link. Take pictures of you and your friends with a Radio X show sign.

Let us know of the madness you create and we’ll post the shenanigans right here on the site, and maybe even help you out with some free swag!

So what are you waiting for? Tell the world that you are Radio X today!

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