Radio X Movie Spotlight

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The Radio X Movie Spotlight

Each week on the show, we pretend to view movies and give our pretend reviews of upcoming movies. Joining John and Whitters again for this week’s picks… Christie!

Here’s a look at our thoughts on this week’s releases!

Extraordinary Measures
Harrison Ford stars in the true story of a scientist who partners with a couple to develop a cure for a rare disease killing their children.

Christie wouldn’t see the movie, as she felt the trailer dragged on and on. Whitters would see it because she loooooves Brandon Frasier. Meanwhile, that seems to be the reason why John’s on the see-saw, he likes the idea of the movie but then there’s Brandon Frasier.

A group of strangers in a desert diner must defend themselves against a legion of angels sent by God to bring on the Apocalypse.

This isn’t Christie’s type of movie… she’s a scaredy cat! Meanwhile, both John and Whitters were salivating at the movie. However, John isn’t too sure, he doesn’t want to “zombie” himself out before Resident Evil 4 comes out.

The Tooth Fairy
Dwayne Johnson is a pro hockey player nicknamed the Tooth Fairy, who is ordered to one week’s hard labor as the real Tooth Fairy.

In the lounge, someone said this looks like a “stupid movie.” Which is why Christie would want to see it. On the other hand, neither John nor Whitters would go see this. Whitters even so far to say, “I’m so sick of the Rock.”

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