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This week on the Radio X show with John and Whitters

Here’s what was SUPPOSED to have happened this week…

• Imagine this eBay ad now: “Cheap computer filled with money”
• Fat in Alabama? You could be paying for it!
• Pot store closed down, Dealers don’t look like dopes

However, that didn’t happen.  Not one thing.

We even had Miss Michele scheduled to do live readings on the air.  That didn’t happen either. She did make an appearance in the chat room, though.  And she even did some readings with her partner Serenity Bly.

Whitters wasn’t going to be on tonight’s show, so it’s not like she had anything to do with it.  We had already discussed this, her and I, and it was cool.  I forgot until Tuesday, but we had already talked about it, so she wouldn’t have been here anyway.

So… what happened?  Where was I?  If it were only so fancy an explanation to say that I was late because of work, or because something happened on the highway.  Maybe an emergency with my son, or a fire… SOMETHING.

No.  I overslept.

And I feel absolute horrible.  I let the affiliates down.  I let Miss Michele down.  I let the regulars in the chat room down.

Most importantly, I let you down.

I am profusely embarrassed and emotionally drained because of this.

Obviously, since there was no show, there is no Radio X Recall posted this week. Again, my apologies. I let those that look forward to recall down, too.

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